31 January 2014

Snow, snow, come out in the snow

We have been blessed with an abundance of that powdery white stuff...

This is an actual quote from a fondly-remembered Christmas card of my youth, sent by some very proper friends of my parents. 

It raises so many questions. Why add 'snow' at the end unless they thought that we might have thought that they had been blessed with a different type of 'powdery white stuff'? Was this some sort of counter-cultural innuendo decrying the faux cheeriness of traditional Christmas letters or a naive and ill-considered cheesy joke? If the former, were there other hidden jibes in the month-by-month replay of church camps, minor promotions, and spelling bee success that I had missed?

But to get back to the subject matter at hand, it has finally snowed here in the Czech Republic and our little village is looking very sweet in its blanket of powdery white stuff.

The only minor problem, as you can see, is that where we live is relatively flat.

Ok, very flat
And, as you can also see, Smalls was quite keen to do a bit of sledding.

A short walk later to the closest bump in the landscape...

..and weeeee!

Although Smalls seems to have decided that pulling the sled is the best part.

I think L. and I agree that the best part is a post-sledding glass of wine by the newly-installed wood stove.

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